Summer is the perfect time to enjoy juicy, refreshing watermelons. In addition to being an attractive fruit, watermelon also has unexpected positive effects for health that not everyone knows. Here are 15 benefits of watermelon for human health

Nutritional composition of watermelon

Watermelon, scientifically known as Citrullus lanatus, is a plant in the family of cucurbits, with a hard shell, containing a lot of water, native to southern Africa. Watermelon is loved by many people because of its sweetness and wateriness, and also helps to provide many vitamins and trace elements for the body.

In 100g of watermelon, there are nutritional ingredients such as:

Water – 95.5 g

Energy – 16 KCal

Protein – 2.3 g

Fat – 0.2 g

Fiber – 0.5 g

Calcium – 8 mg

Magnesium 15 – mg

Potassium – 187 mg

Copper – 80 mg

Vitamin C – 7 mg

Vitamin B2 – 0.04 mg

Vitamin E – 0.05 mg

Vitamin K – 0.1 g

15 health benefits of watermelon

Provide water for the body

Water makes up 95% of watermelons. Therefore, supplementing with watermelon will help keep the body hydrated and maintain electrolyte levels. Eating watermelon regularly can reduce the symptoms of dehydration after vigorous exercise or sports such as cramps, fatigue, dizziness, etc.

Anti-oxidant and body protection

Watermelon contains a lot of antioxidants, which have the ability to prevent the level of free radical damage, slow down the degenerative process and protect the organs in the body. Some of the antioxidants found in watermelon can be mentioned, such as:

Vitamin C: Helps strengthen immunity and prevent cell damage caused by free radicals.

Lycopene: Helps protect retinal and nerve cells from the effects of free radicals.

Carotenoids: A plant compound that includes beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, which when ingested in the body will convert to vitamin A.

Cucurbitacin E: Controls inflammation in the body.

Watermelon contains a lot of antioxidants

Cancer prevention

Lycopene in watermelon can prevent cancer – especially gastrointestinal cancer.

This compound reduces the risk of cancer cell growth by reducing IGF growth. In particular, elevated IGF is one of the causes that stimulate cells to grow abnormally and have the risk of turning into cancer cells.

In addition, watermelon contains Cucurbitacin E – a compound that inhibits tumor growth and prevents metastasis of cancer cells.

Prevention of cardiovascular disease

High cholesterol is a factor that increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure, myocardial ischemia, heart failure… Therefore, supplementing with foods containing a lot of fiber, water, Vitamins and antioxidant compounds can reduce cholesterol levels in the body and prevent heart-related problems.

Besides, Lycopene in watermelon can reduce the thickness and stiffness in the artery wall. This helps to reduce the risk of hardening of the arteries and the formation of blood clots. Citrulline stimulates increased levels of nitric oxide in the body, which helps dilate blood vessels and regulate blood pressure.

Prevent macular degeneration

Lycopene component in melon also appears in some parts of the eye to fight inflammation and oxidative irritation to the eyes. Lycopene also acts as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compound that may help prevent and slow age-related macular degeneration.

Support weight loss

If you are struggling with weight problems, then watermelon can be the ideal food to help you get in shape.


Watermelon can be the ideal food to help you get in shape as desired

This fruit helps you to consume less calories because more than 90% of its composition is water which helps speed up metabolism, eliminating toxins and fats from the body. Eating watermelon also helps you feel full for a long time, reducing cravings.

Helps reduce inflammation

Watermelons help reduce inflammation because they contain a lot of vitamin C and lycopene. Research conducted in 2015 showed that adding watermelon to the diet can reduce the risk of inflammation and control symptoms of pain in the joints.

Besides, lycopene and vitamin C in also slow down the aging process, inhibit cartilage degeneration in patients with chronic arthritis.

Relieve muscle pain

Citrulline is an amino acid that has the ability to reduce muscle soreness and works to produce nitric oxide – a component that helps dilate blood vessels and increase blood flow to the extremities.

Regular citrulline supplementation can increase muscle endurance and performance. Moreover, this ingredient also helps to reduce muscle soreness after exercise and hard labor.

AIDS digestion

Thanks to the rich water and fiber content, watermelon is one of the foods that can enhance the peristalsis of the digestive system.

The amount of water in watermelon has the effect of neutralizing gastric juice, thereby reducing the risk of epigastric pain, belching, heartburn and nausea after eating. Besides, this amount of water and fiber can retain moisture and increase stool volume. This reduces the risk of constipation and makes it easier for you to pass stools.

Thanks to the abundant water and fiber content, watermelon is able to enhance the peristalsis of the digestive organs

Good for pregnant women

With the effect of reducing heartburn and symptoms of morning sickness, watermelon also contains a lot of minerals that help prevent muscle cramps and pain – a condition that pregnant women often encounter during pregnancy. Therefore, pregnant women can add watermelon to their daily diet.

Prevent Asthma

Lycopene is an important antioxidant that can help with colds and flu and relieve asthma attacks. Meanwhile, Lycopene is abundant in watermelon. So asthma patients can eat watermelon to support proper breathing without taking every breath during panic attack for people with asthma.

Good for skin and hair

The abundant water content in watermelon can maintain the ideal moisture for the skin. Thereby helping to maintain the skin moist, smooth and limit the risk of peeling and roughness.

In addition, this fruit also contains vitamin A, which helps hair grow faster, improves split ends and breakage, exfoliates the surface, regenerates new skin tissues. Some recent studies show that regular vitamin A supplements can help rejuvenate the skin and reduce the number of wrinkles on the face.

Meanwhile, vitamin C stimulates the body to create collagen – a protein capable of supporting skin tissue, maintaining hair strength and limiting the risk of wrinkles.

Increase sperm quality and quantity

Watermelon and watermelon seeds both contain a good amount of zinc. Meanwhile, zinc is a trace element necessary for the functioning of the thyroid gland and testicles. Supplementing with foods rich in zinc can improve testosterone levels and increase sperm count and quality.

Therefore, men need to supplement with watermelon 2-3 times a week to enhance physiological function and support the treatment of common diseases such as premature ejaculation, decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction…

Watermelon and watermelon seeds both contain a good amount of zinc

Watermelon seeds help prevent anemia

On average, a few watermelon seeds can provide up to 0.29mg of iron, equivalent to 1.6% of the daily requirement. So consuming watermelon seeds every day can increase red blood cell production and reduce the risk of anemia.

Immunity, wound healing and cell protection

The content of vitamin C in watermelon is very high, which strengthens the body’s immune system by maintaining the integrity of cells’ redox, helping to protect them from other oxidizing agents that cause cell damage. cell. Many scientific studies also confirm the role of vitamin C in the process of wound healing, that vitamin C is essential for the formation of connective tissues.

How to choose delicious watermelon
– Melons with yellow patches: Delicious watermelons will not be green evenly but have a yellow patch.

Melons that are not too glossy: Melons that are too shiny may not be ripe.

– Firm hand melon: Try tapping on the melon skin, if the skin is firm and bouncy, then this is a delicious melon.

Heavy-handed melons: Choose the heaviest melons compared to other melons of the same size because they will have more water.

Round Melon: Watermelon can be round or oval in shape. You can choose one of the two shapes above, but avoid melons with irregular protrusions.

Melon has dark spots: The dark spots on the skin of the melon are the sugar in the melon flowing out. This spotty watermelon will be very sweet.


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